Emerson Street Garden

Saturday, July 31st
4:00-7:00 pm
822 NE Emerson Street

Come celebrate progress on turning a contaminated, vacant property into Emerson Street Garden.

Free food, art activities for kids and teens; meet your neighbors and elected officials from your district.

Do you have something to contribute?

To help or RSVP, contact Cassie at 503.662.2590 or [email protected]

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A volunteer group that guides the planning, development, community organizing and outreach for the garden. The group meets in NE Portland on a regular basis and is open to anyone who would like to participate. Youth and people of color are encouraged to participate.

If you are interested, contact Cassie at [email protected]
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Groundwork Portland hosted two successful COMMUNITY DESIGN FORUMS for the Emerson Garden. The first, April 17th, was at Blazers Boys and Girls Club and the second May 6th at the NE Multicultural Senior Center. A diverse group of individuals and families participated and shared their perspectives on the garden’s design and maintenance, community benefit, how to incorporate neighborhood history, art, education, etc.

Summer 2009, 13 youth from the Blazers Boys and Girls Club will be caring for a temporary container garden on the site. On June 24, the kids planted peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, salad greens, herbs, and flowers and will nurture their growth over the summer.

Shawn Linehan, all rights reserved
What is the Emerson Garden?

Emerson Garden is a narrow city lot located in Portland at 822 NE Emerson Street. It was placed in trust with OSALT in October 22, 2008 by Multnomah County to remain as a community-based garden for future generations. The site is a typical old residential lot in NE Portland. That means, among other things, that it is contaminated with lead. This is very common on sites where older houses have stood.


Emerson Garden site will involve the PHYTOREMEDIATION–decontamination of the soil– so that food can safely be grown here. Partners hope to demonstrate a more sustainable low-technology alternative to traditional “dig and haul” approaches to decontamination of inner-city property that can be replicated at similar sites throughout the country. This will make it much more practical for neighborhoods to recover some of the abandoned sites blighting their communities and put them to beneficial use by and for their neighborhoods.

Thanks to Emerson Street Garden’s Partners!
We invite your partnership. Do please get in touch at [email protected].

Partners & Donors
Blazers Boys & Girls Club
Growing Gardens
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc
Boanerges Group, LLC
Healthy Aging Coalition
Pace Analytical Services, Inc.
Center for Science Education, PSU
Independence Gardens, LLC
Parr Lumber
City of Portland Brownfield Program
I�ve been Framed
Petit Provence
Columbia Art & Drafting Supply
King School, SUN Program
Reflections Coffee House
Elevated Coffee
Multnomah County, County Digs Program
Oregon Tradeswomen, Inc
Flying Hammer Productions
NE Multicultural Senior Center
Star Rentals
GeoEngineers, Inc.
New Seasons
Sunderland Recycling Facility
GeoSyntec Consultants
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
Sweet Things Bakehouse & Coffee Bar
Groundwork Portland
Oregon Sustainable Agricultural

Land Trust (OSALT)